Béla Fleck Closes Book Of His Duet With Chick Corea

Initially, the idea of collaboration between Chick Corea and Béla Fleck raised quite a few brows, as there seemed to be not a lot of congruity between jazz-minded piano and bluegrass-favoring banjo, yet it spoke volumes of the artists’ talents when “The Enchantment” the duo produced in 2007 went on to win Latin Grammy and 2015’s “Two” enchanted the veterans’ followers with concert renditions of their pieces. The last time the friends toured together was in 2019, and it’s from there that the material of “Remembrance” – the legends’ final album, planned for release on May 10th – originates.

The record, to be made available in a variety of formats, features mostly unheard music, including three previously unreleased Corea numbers, and a series of half-improvs based on “Alice In Wonderland” which highlight the unique pairing’s stylistic span – who else could arrange Scarlatti for those instruments? – and sense of humor. Feels fantastic.


1. The Otter Creek Incident
2. Impromptu III: March Hare
3. Enut Nital
4. Impromptu II: Mock Turtle
5. Bemsha Swing
6. Lucky Bounce
7. Impromptu I: Cheshire
8. Remembrance
9. Juno
10. Scarlatti Sonatas
11. Impromptu V: Jabberwocky
12. Small Potatoes
13. Continuance
14. Impromptu IV: Gentleman Fish

April 1, 2024

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