BIRDSEED – Not Out Of Time

Birdseed 2017

BIRDSEED - Not Out Of Time

Not Out Of Time

Frisky rockers from Frisco tune into temporal vibe to turn all things terminal into the eternal.

What do you do when you’re in for a battle of the bands and you need a singer you don’t have? Find a kindred spirit and spread wings together! What do you do when you learn the singer has an incurable decease? Make the most of your time while those wings can hold you! That’s the atmosphere which makes this EP – available as a vinyl record and digital download as if to stress its transience for posterity – so special, and the atmosphere is as far removed from the gloom as possible.

A jolly jangle with a spring in its sunkissed step is a thread running through these five songs despite the variety of moods they demonstrate to allow the septet strut and shine, from the rousing riffs and release of the title track to “More Than I Needed The Truth” whose country inflections add sadness to the mix. The drift gets reflective in the cross-hairs of funky guitars and bubbling keyboards that carry Kerry Landreth’s voice into “Next Trip Around The Sun” where the group’s “Rumours” influences come to light, but at the same time there’s their sax-smoothed edge revealed for all to revel in, even though a piano ripple of “I Want You To Know” – a message from the vocalist to her young daughter – pours poignancy on the piece’s honeyed harmonies.

Yet, opening the doors for optimism, the choir voices of “We Can Do It” – co-written by the aforementioned 9-year-old – contradict the cocksure possibility outlined here, just because the ensemble have happened, right on time. Pick up the seeds and spread the news, then, until it’s too late.


September 3, 2017

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