Inverse 2016



Pulling off the pun of their album’s cover and pulling out all the stops, Finnish quintet check in with a mighty clang.

On a record, nothing screams “good times” more than titling a piece “Rock ‘n’ Roll” – especially in a no-frills heavy metal environment – and playing it accordingly, so while these debutants sometime play by numbers, the numbers are all good. Take the finger-popping “7 Years” or the groove-possessed “Fall To The Floor” with its folk flair: the pieces hint at still-hidden possibilities the ensemble are capable of pursuing. From the funereal fun of opener “Be Gone” that resorts to growling as a means of menace but delivers an infectious-like-plague chorus, to “Arch Enemies” where a serious intent is concealed behind a hard veneer, there’s a lot of panache on the ten tracks – dignified yet entertaining.

Naval concept reflected in many aspects of their presentation, “Lighthouse Of Life” may be the band’s sea shanty, with Capt. Kurt’s powerful voice calling all aboard and a guitar weave from sailors Maake and Ponkko as alluring as a siren’s call. But if “Crashlanded” is an announcement of the crew’s arrival, here’s one good way to attract attention and not let the listener lose their focus for an instant. A vessel to invest into has hit the harbor.


December 19, 2016

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