IAN DANTER – Second Time Around

Cherry Red 2015

IAN DANTER - Second Time Around

Second Time Around

Getting solid, British radio personality defines his hard rock leanings as reined in and refined.

When TalkSport presenter Danter released ""Prove You Wrong" in 2013, it didn’t bode well for his music career, but this time the title of Ian’s debut rings true. With DIY method providing a great dynamic, the multi-instrumentalist’s sophomore album is comprised of 11 cuts in a classic heavy mode, a tad of glam on the likes of “Simple As That” giving it all just the right bit of panache.

So, although there’s generic uplift to anthemic “We Believe” and the title ballad, the riff of “Love Fatigue” unfurls in a crowd-pleasing boogie, and while the bruised romanticism of “Chinese Whispers” has an irresistible allure and rich harmonic texture to it, “Mr. Poison” is reaching epic monumentality in less then 4 minutes. That’s why when “Better Off Out Of It (Than Worse Off Dead)” flies like a bullet for a finale, there’s a sense of Danter’s target being hit – not in the charts terms, yet this is a real possibility now.


February 24, 2016

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