Il Rumore Bianco 2013
Small form, big scale: Italian prog sextet feeling their event horizon.
There are full albums out there that contain less movements than this EP. With three compositions – one broken in two bookending parts – “Mediocrazia” embodies what’s the best and the worst about Pyrenean art rock, which is theatricality and… well, theatricality. But then, the band whose name translates as “white noise” seem to be aware of the danger. Not for nothing “Tutto Un Sogno” opens the proceedings with the palm-wetting alloy of organ and funky guitar that drums give a good weight to, yet for all its acrobatic ability Eddy Fiorio’s voice weaves a melody so sophisticated it becomes difficult to follow, and it instrumental part, rather than vocals, that brings a respite from the emotional assault.
Perhaps, sensing it, the band glide more elegantly into the blues of “Il Vestito Buono” before piano runs across the wah-wah into the increasing weirdness, whereas “Il Primo Attore” reveals the ensemble’s real forte: their proclivity for jazz. That’s where the six-piece shine, once Michele Zanotti’s sax joins the mayhem and Alessandro Danzi’s supple bass propels the singing into the great unknown. That’s what the band should explore and develop, as such an adventurousness blows pretentious big ideas out of the water. The second, deeper and heavier on the brass, part of “Tutto Un Sogno” only confirms that fusion seems to be the group’s most natural habitat, so it’s about time to cross over and place this noise right where it belongs.