Robert Berry has been around for ages, with a solid body of work under his belt, yet the American artist seemed to have entered collective consciousness only in 2018, when "The Rules Have Changed" – an album credited to 3.2, a new version of a band called 3 – saw the light of day. 3, of course, was the group in which the 27-year-old Robert joined forces with Keith Emerson and Carl Palmer back in 1988.
Neither that creative union nor the previous attempt to work alongside Steve Howe in GTR turned Berry into a star he could have been if he pursued a solo path; nothing could derail it either. In the following three decades, the veteran has released a string of high-quality records, yet his latest offering somehow eclipsed it all: it was Emerson’s last-ever work, even though Keith’s parts had been withdrawn and Berry played all the instruments on the album, proving once again his versatility and talent.