James Williamson And Deniz Tek Go For A Full-Length Album

When RADIO BIRDMAN co-founder Deniz Tek and THE STOOGES’ guitarist James Williamson conspired to serve up the “Acoustic K.O.” EP back in 2017, it looked like a one-off collaboration – an outlet for four of the latter’s old songs. Yet, as it turned out, these two kindred spirits didn’t stop working together, so September 18th will see their full-length effort hit the shelves. Titled “Two To One” and realizing the pair’s proto-punk roots in an electric environment, the album will include eleven (or ten, on vinyl) originals that rock hard and dirty.

Two To One

For all the songs’ heaviness, though, they’re melodic and catchy, so there must be a lot to savor. The tracks on the album are:

1. Jet Pack Nightmare
2. Progress
3. Take A Look Around
4. Good As Gone
5. Stable
6. Climate Change
7. Birthday Present
8. Small Change
9. Liar
10. No Dreams
11. Melissa Blue (CD only)

July 29, 2020

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