Mist Tower 2022
On their way to first album, Ukrainian stoners test existential waters for surface tension.
From single to EP to single, this Odesa quintet have been gearing towards their full-length debut for two years now, and this song has stir-craziness – or cabin fever for those listeners who’d like to dwell on the piece’s apparent claustrophobia – ingrained in its psychedelic DNA. The ensemble don’t linger on building tension, though, and break the silence with a sludgy, if arresting, riff whose tectonic gravity will get shattered too, once Artem Matienko’s vocals dramatically swing up to sculpt despair into a chorus before lapsing into a pause which the group fill with a bare-naked groove and cosmic twin-guitar weave.
The resulting noise is deliciously spaced-out and increasingly alluring in its progressive sway, so whenever an entire platter shaped like this should come the album must find a ready-made fan-base. The band are ready to embrace success.