Nick Steed Replaces Dave Greenslade in COLOSSEUM

It’s been known for some time that Dave Greenslade, the keyboard player and vital part of COLOSSEUM was having some health issues, and now the venerable musician is going to retire. Greenslade’s replacement, to be officially announced soon, will be the very much experienced Nick Steed whose recent recordings with NS5 and THR33 – respectively, "Feeling For The Blues" and "Thr33" – and previous studio work with orchestras made him perfect for this role.

Steed was contacted by the legendary ensemble back in September 2020 and is currently beavering with Clem Clempson on learning the music, hoping the situation will rather soon allow them to start rehearsals alongside other members if the band’s classic line-up – Chris Farlowe and Mark Clarke – as well as a pair of fellow newcomers: drummer Malcolm Mortimore of GENTLE GIANT fame and saxophonist Kim Nishikawara, the later taking over from Barbara Thompson. The revitalized group are booking UK and European tours for 2021.

“This is an exciting venture I’ll be getting my fingers into once Covid is getting more under control!” says Nick. “COLOSSEUM was one of the first bands to fuse jazz, rock and blues, so I’ll certainly be standing on the shoulders of giants.”

February 12, 2021

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