One of the best 12-string guitarist in the world, whose session work includes classics by THE STRAWBS and Roy Harper, Paul Brett‘s been at the music’s forefront and backend for some 50 years, yet most people heard of him as a leader of PAUL BRETT’S SAGE. The band’s three albums, released in the early ’70s, as well as single “3D Mona Lisa,” are regarded now as classics, too. Nobody thought, though, that the ensemble would return in 2014 with their fourth LP. Yes, LP, as "Emergence" has seen the light of the day not only on CD but also on the limited-edition vinyl; it’s a new release on Viral Discs & Downloads, the label Paul co-founded with Tom Newman, whose "The (Secret) Life Of Angels" launched their enterprise.
Not that the old line-up are back in action alongside Paul, but his new colleagues include drummer Pete Thompson, known for his part in SILVERHEAD alongside Michael Des Barres as well as work with Robert Plant, while the songs on offer tackle affairs both actual, as in “Blood Oil” and “Fraking,” and timeless, like in “Evening Star” with lyrics by Edgar Allen Poe and Poe-inspired “The Pit & The Pendulum.” With review here, that’s how it all looks like – note that this time the “s'” part is missing from the band’s name.
1. Amsterdam
2. The Green Man’s Tears
3. Fracking
4. The Blues
5. 666
6. News
7. The Tempest
8. Nothing Really Changes
9. Blood Oil
10. Evening Star
11. Psychedelic Pauline
12. Degi
13. The Pit & The Pendulum
14. There’s A Wolf At Your Door