PHIL VINCENT – Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday

Rock Company 2021

Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday

Rhode Island rocker taps into his innermost space to right the wrongs and write about it.

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between this artist’s solo efforts and his multiple ensemble projects, yet there’s still a way to distinguish the albums Phil Vincent issues under his own name: they’re much more personal outings, the veteran singer also playing many instruments to express feelings that come right from the heart. Such is “Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday” which, despite the title, doesn’t try to take stock of what’s been created up to this point and to point to the future but offers a fresh set of emotive missives instead.

There’s also a loose concept applied to it, as the cycle starts and ends with two parts of “Loss” – the harder “Hole In My Heart” and the softer “One Day We’ll Meet Again” – that’s essentially a brace of sublime ballads destined to steer the listener first towards despair and then hope, and define the record’s core duality. They’re relatively heavy, albeit piano-driven, Vince O’Regan’s guitar harmonies adding edge to Vincent’s sentiments, but the thick, warm passages of “Pictures” are so detailed as to deliver instant gratification, and the buzz behind “When I’m Gone” can cut like a knife, too.

And if the deliberately unsettling assault of “Voices” will feel somewhat familiar to Phil aficionados, his riffs, drumming and vocals of “The Real You” sound strangely sunny, while the pop coating of “Loser In The End” contrasts the little epic’s message to a great effect, and the justifiably bombastic “Same Mistake” radiates joy. The result is impressive: arguably, the best Vincent’s album to date.


May 1, 2021

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  1. […] DMME, Phil’s TTY album is “impressive: arguably, the best Vincent’s album to […]

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