As a band whom parents used to hate and who used to sneer at such attitude, THE ROLLING STONES have quite a lot in common with punks, and punks were never above covering classics from the first wave of British invasion since SEX PISTOLS” delivery of “Whatcha Gonna Do About It” back in the day. So there’s no surprise in the genre’s proponents’ readiness to read some of Jagger-Richards perennials; what’s amazing, though, is the presence on “Punk Me Up” – here’s the title of the forthcoming tribute album, out on July 26th – of “Miss You” and “Angie” alongside more expected ones.
Still, given the performers on this disc are basically the same artists that created "Punk Floyd" which proved to be a success, their fresh endeavor will turn out just as interesting. Read the review.
1. Start Me Up – Jah Wobble & Jon Klein
2. Mother’s Little Helper – PETER AND THE TEST TUBE BABIES
3. Honky Tonk Women – FEAR
4. Rocks Off – REAGAN YOUTH
5. Paint It Black – U.K. SUBS & DEAD BOYS
6. Jumpin’ Jack Flash – THE QUEERS
7. Midnight Rambler – JFA
8. Satisfaction – THE VIBRATORS
9. Sympathy For The Devil – ANTI-NOWHERE LEAGUE
10. She Said Yeah – FLAMIN’ GROOVIES
11. Wild Horses – SKIDS
12. Miss You – ANGRY SAMOANS
13. Angie – THE MEMBERS
14. Gimme Shelter – CHROME
15. Street Fighting Man – PINK FAIRIES