Randy Brecker, Tony Reeves And Peter French Grace A Song From Poland

Nowadays, when remotely-recorded music pieces emerge daily by the dozen, it takes special talents to make one of these a remarkable work, and a cut titled “High Times Woman” that arrived online a few days ago is outstanding indeed – thanks to the presence of such luminaries as legendary trumpeter Randy Brecker, bassist Tony Reeves of COLOSSEUM and GREENSLADE fame, and Peter French whose voice is well-known to LEAF HOUND and ATOMIC ROOSTER fans. The veterans added their creative touch to a track composed by two Polish musicians, two Marcins: Starzyński on drums and Zawilski on guitar.

How did it all come about?

High Times Woman

“The ‘High Times Woman’ background story is a bit off-the-wall,” says Tony Reeves. “About a year ago, out of the blue, I got an email from a Polish professor of ancient history at Krakow University. He and his long time friend – also a prof of Ancient History at Krakow – now in their forties, wanted to have one last fling to remind them of when they were young rock musicians.

“The plan was to write and record a new rock song, starting with a couple of very good guitar riffs. They then idly thought wouldn’t it be great if they could get musicians who had influenced them back in their twenties to play on this record. In their words, [it was] ‘an impossible dream.’

“They got in touch with Peter French and he agreed to sing on it; indeed, I think he was responsible for the lyrics and title, too. Then the same thing with Randy Brecker. This version was what they sent to me and asked me to add bass, which I was happy to do. At eighty years old, it’s kind of flattering to be still asked to play!

“Then they got us all to film ourselves on our phones, and they edited that into the ‘High Times Woman’ video. But, at the moment anyway, there is no idea of doing an entire album. After all, they have both ‘settled down and got a proper job’!”

Pan Starzyński adds, “It was my dream to play with the musicians I love from the records that my parents once taught me, and now the impossible has become possible. Simply for the love of music. Still, I’m not a professor of ‘ancient’ history, but a ‘medieval’ one; Marcin Zawilski, the guitarist and composer of ‘High Times Woman,’ is not a professor, although we studied history together at the Jagiellonian University many years ago.”

June 20, 2023

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