Sam Brown Finds Creative Closure On A Lost-Voice Album

It takes a genuine aficionado, as opposed to a regular fan, to notice that the first letters of the esteemed Sam Brown‘s solo records, from her 1988 massive-success debut “Stop!” to “Of The Moment” which was issued in 2007 – spell the English singer’s name: something that started incidentally yet continued on purpose. Only there has been a long delay between Ms. Samantha’s previous offering and its follow-up, as “N” remained omitted from the series for a decade and a half, because the scene stalwart whose vocals can be heard on a plethora of platters by superstar rockers lost her voice and for the last 15 years concentrated on playing ukulele rather than using her pipes. However, January 20th will see Brown finally release a new album.

Appropriately – at least on two levels – titled “Number 8” and featuring a dozen fresh numbers, co-penned by Sam with her friend, another session veteran Danny Schogger and produced with a heavy use of voice manipulation that allowed Brown overcome her now-limited singing abilities and stretch creatively with the same elegance and fantasy as she did back in the day.

Number 8

1. It’s Okay
2. Doll
3. Injured
4. Another Day
5. The Story
6. Marionette
7. Not for Anyone
8. Shift
9. Showgirl
10. Tribe
11. 4 On the Floor
12. Ghost

December 24, 2022

Category(s): News

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