THE BREAKERS – A Date With Destiny

Breakers Music 2020

A Date With Destiny

As the tide rises, Illinois surf-rockers rush towards melodic rendezvous and hit some unexpected strings.

Serving up an album, albeit a short one, seven months after their second offering speaks volume of this ensemble’s self-confidence, prolificacy and faithfulness to the classic tradition of two-LPs-a-year sprints, yet no amount of aplomb would save the trio if “A Date With Destiny” was weak – and it’s not. If anything, it’s even tenser than "Voodoo Treatment" whose span allowed some slack to show, while the seven songs here ride a slightly different wave. Therefore, here are some surprising turns in their surf.

Whereas the fuzzy riffs of “Sub – Marine Time Machine” fathom familiar underwater shifts but deliberately limit the number’s development to a few squealing effects courtesy of Jim Abrahams’s guitar, and Marc Lockett’s frantic beat and Jayson Slater’s bulging bass drive “Po’ino” to insular delirium, a cello-enhanced “The Moldau” is a tremendous genre transfer of a Smetana piece that shrouds the filigree of “La Mantovana” in Pacific mist. There’s also a deep relentless swirl to “Turbulence” which marries six-string assault to the rhythm section’s rave, although the same can’t be said of “Big Question Mark” or “Quid Pro Quo” which feel rather shallow, unlike the record’s title track – a pure ebb-and-flow picture for those who missed their boards due to lockdown.

It’s them who wait for the date with destiny, after all.


May 19, 2021

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  1. […] Breakers Music 2020 As the tide rises, Illinois surf-rockers rush towards melodic rendezvous and hit some unexpected strings. Serving up an album, albeit a short one, seven months after their second offering speaks volume of this ensemble’s self-confidence, prolificacy and … Continue reading → […]

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