This Dance Won’t Be The Last One


Ken Hensley

In the light of yesterday's news regarding “Dancer And The Moon”, a forthcoming album by BLACKMORE’S NIGHT, who recorded a cover of URIAH HEEP‘s perennial “Lady In Black”, it was only logical to ask the song’s writer, Ken Hensley, what he thinks about this turn of events.

Ken, as it turned out, hasn’t heard about it but that’s what he had to say with regards to the news:

“Well, I have to say that it’s a real honor any time that any artist covers one of my songs, but to have Ritchie include “Lady In Black” on his new album is very special, because he and I ran on totally parallel rock ‘n’ roll roads for so long, even rehearsing in the same building in West London in the very early days. 

I am a DEEP PURPLE fan, of course, but I also respect Ritchie’s new direction and his willingness to explore and experiment with new musical adventures.

Thanks Ritchie, I am humbled”.

And here’s the album’s review.

April 11, 2013

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