Tiffany’s Lips 2017



Brit-based international team streamline their AOR for impressive debut EP.

They call it “stream rock” but there’s more to this quintet’s music than their hold of digital distribution: an infectious irresistibility of the band’s inaugural offering is what makes “F1rst” a winner. Without reinventing the wheel for such an arresting race, the group – who hail from three countries – coat lyrical cliches in sweet melodies only to punch the tuneful glaze with equally memorable riffs. Still, if the heaviness and bounce of “Prison Of Your Heart” resolve in big chorus from the get-go, to reveal rich vocal harmonies, theatrical antics of “Toys” result in much more serious approach to shaping emotional hooks.

For the most part upbeat, the mini-album may not reveal a variety of moods, yet a break-up is rarely as multicolored as it is in “My Avalon” whose refrain will stay with the listener for days on end. So while the summer vibe of “You Are Beautiful” can seem a tad anticlimactic to these 15 glorious minutes, the ensemble’s “F1” stance have all the chances to make them champions.


May 25, 2017

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