“On The Brink” is the title of a new movie focusing on the short life of legendary AC/DC warbler Bon Scott: a film that was released on May 9th as part of “Australian Story” – an award-winning documentary series whose slogan is “Putting the ‘real’ back into reality television” and who pride themselves on delivering “authentic stories told entirely in people’s own words”: in this case, in the words of the late artist’s family and friends. In other words, it’s pretty unique on terms of access to those who knew him the best.
Introduced by Scott’s successor Brian Johnson, the 37-minute-long visual account features interviews with Bruce Howe, the singer’s longtime housemate and colleague in FRATERNITY, his pre-AC/DC band, and for the first time ever, with Bon’s younger brother Derek, so there’s quite a few fresh insights in the vocalist’s inner world with all its strengths and weaknesses.
Watch “On The Brink” here: