Pat Travers’ Baltimore Bootleg Goes Legit

There’s no deficit of Pat Travers concert records on the market, yet one can’t have too many of those because from the very start of his career the Canadian artist has been combining blues sensibilities with good-time sentiments, and that’s what makes him so special. Some eras of the veteran’s stage journey got left out of his official releases, though, which is why the forthcoming, January 31st appearance of a recording made in Baltimore, December 9th, 1982 feels more than welcome.

What is titled “Live In Baltimore 1982” now was out on bootleg originally and captured Travers promoting that year’s “Black Pearl” album and bringing to the audience seven out of its nine tracks of which some Pat wouldn’t perform afterwards. Accompanied by a great band whose ranks included bassist Peter Cowling and drummer Sandy Gennaro, the Torontonian is on top form here.

Live In Baltimore 1982

1. The Fifth
2. Who’ll Take The Fall
3. Life In London
4. I’d Rather See You Dead
5. I La La La Love You
6. Stevie
7. Amgwanna Kick Booty
8. Can’t Stop The Heartaches
9. Statesboro Blues
10. Snortin’ Whiskey And Drinkin’ Cocaine
11. Rockin’
12. Boom Boom (Out Go The Lights)
13. Sunshine Of Your Love

January 16, 2025

Category(s): News

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