Steve Cropper Recruits Brian May To Lead Into His New Album

There’s no other rock twang as soulfully resonant as Steve Cropper‘s one, and without his recordings for Stax – be it on Booker T.’s “Green Onions” or Otis Redding’s “(Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay” – modern music as we know it wouldn’t be the same. The guitarist’s solo platters are no less impressive, although Cropper can hardly be called a prolific artist in his own right and his sessions may outshine what the veteran releases under his own name, so each of Steve’s albums is a compact set of robust statements. His last, “Fire It Up” from 2021, wasn’t an exclusion to the rule – yet his next should feel even more arresting.

Set to be out on August 23rd, “Friendlytown” is a collection of a devil’s dozen cuts spearheaded by its titular song – co-written with producer Jon Tiven and Brian May who sings and plays on there alongside his host and Billy Gibbons, while one of the rest of the tracks features a young Southern rock mover Tim Montana. Judging by the album’s first single, it’s going to be beautiful.


1. Friendlytown
2. Too Much Stress (feat. Brian May & Billy F. Gibbons)
3. Hurry Up Sundown
4. Let’s Get Started
5. Talkin’ Bout Politics
6. I’ll Take Tomorrow
7. Lay It On Down
8. You Can’t Refuse (feat. Tim Montana)
9. Rain On My Parade
10. There’s Always A Catch
11. In God We Trust
12. Reality Check
13. I Leave You In Peace

June 28, 2024

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