Joe Deninzon And STRATOSPHEERIUS Crack The Charade Of Life

One would assume that Joe Deninzon‘s joining KANSAS – and doing a hell of a job onstage with them – would prevent his own STRATOSPHEERIUS from bringing forth new works any time soon after the violinist committed to working with the veteran ensemble. And yet, having delivered a concert document "Behind The Curtain" in 2023, he’s ready to release a new studio opus on October 11th – titled “Impostor!” after one of the songs that Joe’s ensemble issued as early as 2019.

“Six years in the making, ‘Impostor’ featuring an all-star cast of special guests, including Michael Sadler from SAGA, Randy McStine of PORCUPINE TREE, Bill Hubauer from NEAL MORSE BAND and CRACK THE SKY, and Chloe Lowery of TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA,” says Deninzon. “Some of these songs were released as singles over the past few years, and they were all remastered for the album, but most – such as epic mini-rock opera closer “Chasing The Dragon” – have not been heard by the public yet.”

But why does the platter open with a second part of a piece whose first section is placed further in the tracklist?


“Originally we were going to have ‘Part II’ segue out of ‘Part I’,” explains Joe, “but Jason [Gianni], our drummer, said it would make an awesome intro to the whole album… and he was right! But we decided, ‘Let’s still call it ‘Part II’ just to be nerdy and proggy and get people to ask why we put it before ‘Part I’?’ It’s instrumental so we could have called it anything!”

Read the review.

1. Voodoo Vortex Part II
2. Outrage Olympics
3. Impostor!
4. Cognitive Dissonance
5. Storm Surge
6. Frame By Frame
7. Voodoo Vortex Part I
8. Tripping The Merry-Go-Round
9. Chasing The Dragon

August 20, 2024

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