Julie Tippetts And Kevin Figes Offer “Happy Apples”

There are only a few chanteuses who exist in a class of their own, and Julie Tippetts, née Driscoll, is one of those unique performers, from her stint with Brian Auger to the present day, with each new platter from this singer uncovering another aspect of her talent. And if some of the projects Julie’s been involved in seemed to carve a separate niche for her music, such as collaborations with Martin Archer, Ms Tippets always finds fresh ways to shine – and that’s what she does embarking on another endeavor, with another reeds and ivories player, Kevin Figes.

Not a novice on the scene, Figes studied with such British jazz stalwarts as Elton Dean and Tim Garland and worked with Julie’s late husband Keith Tippett, so he has a deep connection with the vocalist. They recorded a series of improvised duo exchanges, and now, titled “Happy Apples” and scheduled to be out on November 29th, it’s waiting to serve up a thrill – if the album’s first single “Gallop To Somewhere” is anything to go by.

Happy Apples

1. The Third Harmony
2. Winter
3. Who’s Got the Bread
4. Gallop To Somewhere
5. Nearly Home
6. Noh Market
7. Fish Basket
8. Snake Ticket
9. Happy Apples
10. Aunty Beryl’s Stockings
11. Static Start
12. Puddle Jumping
13. Dune Dimensions
14. Water Carriage
15. Duck Off

September 24, 2024

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