QUIREBOYS’ “Wardour Street”: Tracklisting Unveiled

About six months have passed since QUIREBOYS announced the forthcoming release of the “Wardour Street” album, and there was quite a turmoil surrounding that news, what with the record being dedicated to the memory of guitarist Guy Bailey, one of the band’s founding fathers, who died last year, and its first single being “Raining Whiskey” on which vocalist Spike duetted with his idol Frankie Miller. What didn’t accompany the announcement and never got officially published was the platter’s content – and now the titles of all the eleven cuts are in.

Wardour Street

And so, the original songs that will be out on November 8th run like this:

1. Jeeze Louise
2. Raining Whiskey
3. You And I
4. I Think I Got It Wrong
5. Myrtle Beach
6. Happy
7. No Honour Amongst Thieves
8. Howlin’ Wolf
9. Ain’t Over Now
10. Like It Or Not
11. Wardour Street

September 13, 2024

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